Welcome to the Law Firms page! Here, you can find extra information about various law firms, as well as case studies and interviews with current solicitors and trainees.
Baker McKenzie is the second-largest law firm in the world by number of employees and also revenue.
You can take a look at their training contract application calendar here:
Baker McKenzie Training Contract Timescale
Bird & Bird are a top law firm with over 1200 legal advisors globally and specialising in business sectors with technological components.
You can read about their amazing Bursary Programme, encouraging more diversity in the legal sphere.
Read About the Bird & Bird Bursary ProgrammeAlternatively, we have a case study from a participant in their Bursary and Pioneer Programmes.
Take a Look at the Case Study
Dentons is actually the world’s largest law firm by number of lawyers, working in commercial law.
They’ve recently launched an innovative apprenticeship scheme for aspiring solicitors.
Read About the Dentons Apprenticeships SchemeFreshfields is a multinational law firm that was founded in over 250 years ago! They are one of the 5 members of the Magic Circle.
A trainee from Freshfields gave us an overview of her training contract and what advice she’d share.
The Freshfields Case Study is HereWe also conducted an interview with a member of the Freshfields graduate recruitment team about training contracts.
Read Training Contract Advice HereHere, Freshfields gave their top advice for applying for training contracts.
Freshfields Top TipsGibson Dunn is a global law firm that’s based predominately in America, and is renowned for its litigation practise.
A trainee from Gibson Dunn, but based in London, spoke to us about his vacation scheme and his experiences working for an American law firm in the UK.
Read the Vacation Scheme Case Study Here.
Herbert Smith Freehills is an international law firm formed from the merging of UK-based Herbert Smith with Australian-based Freehills.
We caught up with two trainees from Herbert Smith Freehills, who discussed training contracts and their lives as trainee solicitors.
We also spoke to a representative at Herbert Smith Freehills who offered us some advice about what they look for in their candidates.
Read Their Advice HereHogan Lovells is a multinational firm with headquarters both in London and Washington D.C.
It specialises in “government regulatory, litigation and arbitration, corporate, finance, and intellectual property”.
Read the top insights from four trainees currently at Hogan Lovells with our guide Hogan Lovells: Trainee Insights!
See Trainee Accounts Here
Penningtons Manches is a UK law firm who specialise in “dispute resolution, corporate and commercial, real estate, private client and family”.
Two trainee solicitors talk us through a typical day as part of their training contracts.
Read first-year-trainee Eva’s account here:
First Year Penningtons Trainee DiaryOr take a look at KC’s second-year diary here:
Second Year Penningtons Trainee DiarySimmons & Simmons is a global practise with 21 offices across the world.
Three trainees from Simmons & Simmons gave us brief insights into what it’s like working for such a huge law firm.
Simmons & Simmons Trainee Case StudiesA fourth seat trainee also gave us an insight into training contract applications.
Simmons & Simmons Training Contract AdviceFinally, you can find two vacation scheme case studies for Simmons & Simmons.
Simmons & Simmons Vacation Scheme Case StudiesTaylor Vinters is an international law firm with offices in London, Cambridge and Singapore.
Their HR Manager revealed the crucial advice on obtaining a training contract.
Read the advice hereShe also shared her top tips with us.
Read the top tips hereTake a look at Taylor Vinter’s Life as a trainee at Taylor Vinters video:
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