Commercial Awareness

Brexit deal

The Big Brexit Update: everything you need to know [simple guide]

December 10, 2018

From 'hard Brexit' to a 'new deal', Brexit can get confusing. Check out our big update and catch up with the latest news here!

Tensions Over Stop and Search Procedures Continue

November 28, 2018

Tensions over the use of stop and search procedures to tackle knife crime in UK inner cities continues, click here to read the latest and find out more!

Uk stop and search

How is Stop and Search Preventing UK Knife Crime?

November 22, 2018

The rise of knife crime in the UK goes hand in hand with the increase in stop and search cases. For more information on stop and search law, click here.

brexit and family law

The Implications of Brexit on Family Law

November 20, 2018

The legal landscape in the UK is uncertain and will remain so until Brexit negotiations unravel. Here's how Brexit may affect Family Law.

making a murderer

Making a Murderer And Wrongful Convictions

November 15, 2018

What has the popular TV show Making a Murderer got to do with the English Legal System and false imprisonment? Find out here.

4 Legal Tech Start-Ups to Look Out For

November 8, 2018

Legal tech is a rapidly growing industry and something you need to be aware of at any stage of your law career. Click here for more information.

Brett Kavanaugh debacle

Brett Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court

November 6, 2018

What happened during the recent Brett Kavanaugh case and how does it affect the US Supreme Court. Click here to read more.

Brett Kavanaugh

A Guide To The Brett Kavanaugh Scandal

October 29, 2018

What happened during the Brett Kavanaugh case and how can you discuss it at interviews? For a snapshot of the case and how to discuss it, click here.

cake row case

The “Gay-Cake Row” Analysis

October 23, 2018

What is the "gay-cake row" case and why is it such a complicated legal issue? Read more about the Supreme Court verdict here.

training contract conference vacation scheme conference

Kim Kardashian’s Suspect Copyrighting Case

October 15, 2018

How has Kim Kardashian recently broken copyright law and what does social media have to do with it? Find out more by clicking here.


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