With the January deadline for applications looming, those who haven’t yet submitted their applications are most likely in panic mode.
But don’t fret: here’s a checklist to ensure your application is ready to go before 6pm on the 15th of January.
You most likely haven’t reviewed the personal details section of your application since you first made your UCAS account, and for some of you this may have been months ago.
I recommend checking over the details you’ve provided. Have you moved home, changed house or mobile phone number? All these details should be as up-to-date as possible before submitting your application.
Maybe your tutor is incredibly slow or too busy to work with you on your application, but don’t be afraid to put the pressure on them to have reference written and ready to go!
Having a referee to vouch for your personal qualities and achievements is important, and no application to university is complete without one.
Yes, the personal statement. You probably spent weeks, if not months, writing, editing and re-editing your statement and rightfully so. This is the most important part of your application, apart from getting the grade requirements of course.
I know you’re probably sick of looking at it, but re-reading your personal statement one more time might allow you to find a sentence that could be reworded, a misspelt word, or you may remember some relevant experience you’ve had that you completely forgot to include.
Make sure your five choices have been made and that these are still the universities and courses you’re wishing to apply for. Although UCAS Extra allows you to change this further down the line, it is better to get things right the first time around.
If you only follow one tip from this list let it be this. Proofreading is essential when it comes to UCAS applications.
Check for spelling mistakes, an incorrect detail about yourself or a section accidentally missed out. Once you have checked everything, allow someone else to check it for you too – sometimes a fresh pair of eyes may spot something you haven’t.
Once your application is submitted, you’ve done it – breathe! All you have to do now is wait for the offers to come rolling in and work towards meeting the grade requirements for your course.
Published: 10/01/18 Author: Chloe Hanna
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