Published on July 29, 2019 by lauraduckett

We asked a trainee solicitor at Taylor Vinters what life was like at a global corporate law firm. Read on for a day in the life of Georgina Barry, who has worked in the firm’s Cambridge and London branches.

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Departments to date: Commercial and Technology in London and Growth in Cambridge

University: University of Edinburgh

Degree: French and Italian

9:00-9:30: I arrive at the office, check my emails and consult my to-do list and calendar to see what I’ve got lined up for the day. I grab a coffee with colleagues and have a quick catch up before getting started with my day.

9:30-10:00: Today is the weekly catch up with my supervisor where we discuss what work I’ve got on and what else I can get involved in. Whilst we are given lots of autonomy and responsibility as a trainee, it’s also reassuring to know that support is there when you need it. We also have a career coach throughout the training contract who you can go to with any challenges, work-related or personal.

10:00-12:30: Time to get stuck into work – I get on with drafting an EMI share valuation report for one of our growth clients who has just launched an online platform delivering a really exciting and innovative product to the market. It’s great to work so closely with entrepreneurs and share in their excitement and passion for their businesses.

12:30-1:30: Over lunch, we have team training, which we have every few weeks, and is presented by a different member of the team – this week it’s all about drafting warranties. These training sessions are always interactive and present an opportunity for the team to discuss and share their personal experiences and tips on the subject at hand. As trainees, we are encouraged to go to training sessions across all the teams in the firm to gain exposure to different areas of law.

1:30-3:00: Training done, I head to join a partner for a meeting with a potential new client who wants to get all the relevant documentation in place ahead of receiving investment into their company. Developing our own relationships with clients is an integral part of our training contract from the beginning

3:00-3:30: Next on the agenda, I catch up with the other first-year trainees to discuss the latest idea for our CSR2020 project. The firm has supported us in managing and organising our own CSR initiative throughout the two-year training contract which has been an exciting opportunity. We chose to support three charities focused on mental health to fundraise for them but also to spread awareness on such an important topic both inside and outside of the firm.

3:30-5:30: This afternoon, in between some impromptu indoor snowball fights and copious amounts of tea-drinking (if you don’t drink tea before starting in the Growth team, you certainly will by the time you finish the seat!) I draft some ancillary documents – board minutes and written resolutions – before tying everything up and making my to-do list for tomorrow.

5:30: After a busy but productive day, I head upstairs to the hub to meet with the other trainees and junior lawyers before heading to an event organised by the Cambridgeshire Junior Lawyers Division – this time it’s an escape room! The firm really sees value in us joining such organisations as it’s a great opportunity to network with other junior lawyers from all around Cambridge but also to have some fun outside of the office too (team TV managed to escape with 8 minutes to spare in case you were wondering!)

NEXT: Kick Start Your Legal Career as a Non-Law Student

Read more about training contracts:



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