The Medic Portal – The Resource for Medical School Applicants

The Medic Portal (TMP) is a comprehensive resource for aspiring medics, and those that advise them. TMP is founded by doctors and is officially partnered with the Royal Society and Medicine.

The Medic Portal – Services

TMP is a market leader in preparing medical school applicants. This includes helping them to excel in key milestones like UCAT, BMAT and The Medical School Interview. Services include:

Alongside face-to-face courses, TMP has developed an innovative range of online training tools, including question banks, online courses (including an Online UCAT Course).

The Medic Portal – Free Information

TMP provides high quality, largely free information, to its users. It houses a 100+ page Medicine Application Guide, which has become a go-to resource for applicants and teachers.

The Medic Portal – Widening Participation

The Medic Portal is dedicated to widening participation into Medicine and has been working closely with the Royal Society of Medicine to further this aim. TMP provides bursary schemes for non-fee-paying schools and has delivered free talks throughout the UK.



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