Are you currently at school or university and looking for something exciting to get involved with that will also look great on the CV? Why not register your interest for the TLP Award Scheme?
The TLP Award is a system that will be implemented in schools and universities that rewards regular contributions to The Lawyer Portal by providing certification recognised by top law firms and chambers.
Over the course of the academic year, all TLP activities you get involved with will be rewarded by points. These might include:
*These are also paid opportunities.
Once a certain amount of points have been accumulated at the end of the year, either a bronze, silver or gold certificate is awarded to the student, depending on the number of points.
This certification will make it easier for firms and chambers to sift through applications, by providing a short-and-sweet symbol of commitment and engagement. It’s essentially our stamp of approval!
We have limited numbers of places on this scheme, so students selected for the scheme will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register your interest in this opportunity, fill out the form below:
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